Client Testimonials

“Ciara is the reason why I love Reformer Pilates. She has extensive knowledge of the body and how to get the best results. She reads and knows everyone in her classes. She knows who to push harder and who needs assistance. I feel amazingly after Ciara’s class. I am stronger than I have ever been..”

— Fiona

“I strongly recommend! I wish I could’ve known Pilates earlier in my life. I love that every movement is controlled and precise, enjoy the strong connection between brain and muscles. Plus there’s always a harder option that you can challenge yourself or stay your comfort zone, listen to your body. All instructors at empower are amazing”

— Hannah

“Pilates has been great for my body and general well-being. After each session I feel totally relaxed with all of my muscles being gently stretched. I highly recommend Pilates particularly for people in my age bracket 65+ to improve their balance, coordination and general strength.

— Chazza


Who should do Pilates?

We may be biased but we believe that ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE should do Pilates! Most Pilates exercises can be modified and regressed to accommodate a range of pathologies and injuries. Joseph Pilates has a famous saying, "In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body". If you have got any injuries or concerns please pop in a little early to have a chat with one of our highly trained Pilates Instructors.

How often should I do Pilates?

We get asked this question a lot! There is no set-in stone formula for doing the right number of Pilates classes. Be practical, consider how many sessions you can commit to per week? Consider your budget and what you can reasonably afford. Remember, consistency is key so make a plan and try to stick to it!

Is Pilates for women only?

No! Absolutely not! In fact, Pilates is actually a form of exercise invented by a man named Joseph Pilates. Mr. Pilates was about as macho as they get, being a boxer and self-defense instructor. Pilates is a system of exercises designed to work on strengthening your trunk or ‘core’, prioritising stability and control. You may feel more flexible and mobile after your session, you will definitely feel stronger after a few sessions. Pilates can be complimentary to your current exercise program or can be done independently.

Can people with disabilities do Pilates?

Everyone is welcome at Empower Pilates Studio. Our facility doors and bathroom are accessible for wheelchairs and walkers. We have accessible parking right out front. We also welcome you to bring your Support Worker or Carer and if you have a companion card your plus one can attend your appointments with you for free. We recommend attending private sessions first to help guide you into what classes may be most suitable for your needs and goals. You may also be able to use your NDIS funding. We are open to suggestions on ways to make Empower Pilates Studios more welcoming and accessible to people with disabilities so please let us know if we can do better.

How do I get started?

We have three great introductory options available to help get you started. If you have never used the reformer before, we ask that you choose an introductory package with at least one intro to the reformer private lesson. In our experience we have found that you will get more out of your classes if you have the foundations right from an introduction to Pilates and the reformer machine. Click here for more info on our introductory offers.

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable activewear that does not restrict your movement. For hygiene purposes please bring a pair of grip socks to wear if you are attending reformer classes. If you do not have a pair of these you can purchase from our reception or a sports store, we don’t recommend wearing regular socks as they will not grip to the machine. You do not need to wear shoes.

What should I bring?

A water bottle is a must have to stay hydrated. Grippy socks for reformer classes and a yoga mat for all mat classes. You are welcome to bring your own reformer mats and sweat towels if you wish.

What facilities do you have?

We have a toilet facility that you can use for getting changed. We do not have shower facilities at the studio.

Is there parking available?

Yes – we have lots of free parking available outside our studio. Please be courteous of our neighbours though and try not to park in the bays directly outside their stores. We want to keep the neighbourly love flowing! If all car bays are in use, there may be some free parking in our spots at the back of the studio or street parking available.

Do you have a creche?

Yes, we do. Our Creche Manager, Mell, has a valid Working With Children Check card and has worked in child care facilities for many years before having kids of her own. Our creche is currently open weekdays from 8.30am to 11.30am. To avoid disappointment please ensure you book your child/children into the creche via our app as we only have limited spaces available. Children must be over 6 weeks old to attend the creche. Please note that the creche is not a day care facility, if your child has an accident, becomes sick or is unable to settle you may be called out of your class to assist. For the safety of other children, please do not bring your child to creche if they are sick or presenting any symptoms. Creche passes are $3 per kid for casual clients and free for all members.

Can I come and have a look around?

Yes, of course! We love showing people our studio and facilities. However, our studio is only open during class times and usually if a class is on the Instructor will be teaching and not available to help. We have a reception desk, but it may not always have someone available to show you around. To avoid disappointment, we recommend contacting the studio to arrange a time to come in and get the royal treatment.

What is the minimum age to attend a class?

We welcome everyone over the age of 15 years old to attend classes. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult guardian. Please note that classes are not open to children to attend unless it is a specified mum’s and bub’s class.

Are classes safe for pregnancy?

Pilates is a low impact exercise modality, which is predominantly suitable for pregnancy. We recommend speaking to your medical team prior to commencing any new form of exercise. If you have never done Pilates before we would recommend booking in for a private session or two before attending classes so we can assess your needs and show you how to move in a controlled and pregnancy friendly way. In fact, many of our Instructors have been pregnant and continued their practice at Empower for the entirety of their prenatal journey so have personal experience with this. We have plenty of pregnancy friendly classes on our schedule that you can attend, you will see these with this (P) symbol next to them. Classes without this symbol may not be suitable for pregnancy.

Are classes safe for post-natal?

We recommend waiting a minimum of 8 weeks after giving birth before attending any classes. It is also advisable to see a Women’s Health Physiotherapist prior to commencing any form of exercise post pregnancy. If you don’t have a Women’s Health Physio, we can refer you to one. Take it slowly as you get back into exercise, be kind to yourself, you are perfect exactly how you are! You may want to continue to do classes marked with the (P) symbol as you ease yourself back into your practice.

Do you have memberships?

Yes we do! Click here for more information.

Do I get locked into a contract?

No absolutely not! We hate those too! You are not locked into a contract and we don’t have any early exit fees. We just ask that you give us 14 days notice prior to your next auto payment, see below for how to cancel your membership. Please note that all new memberships have a strict 2 month activation period, so consider this before signing up.

I don’t want a membership, do you offer class packs?

Yes we have class packs too! Click here for more information.

How do I book a class?

Bookings are essential to avoid disappointment! You can book via our app or via the MindBody app. You can download these from the links at the bottom of this page. Please make sure you read our cancellation policy before signing up to any classes.

Do you charge late cancellation fees?

We offer all our members 1 ‘free’ pass per month. These can be utilised on those days where you get stuck in traffic or your kids are sick and can’t make it to a class you have booked. Once you have used up your ‘free’ pass for that month you will either lose your session (Silver & Gold members) or be charged $10 late cancel fee (Platinum members) if you do not cancel within the 6 hour cancellation window. Please see our T&C’s for more information. No shows will not be tolerated.

Can I join a waitlist if the class I want to do is full?

If the class you want to do is full up you can add yourself to the waitlist. If a space becomes available, the waitlist will automatically add you up until 2 hours prior to the class start time. From 2 hours onwards you can add yourself in and it is a case of first in best dressed. If you no longer wish to attend that class, it is your responsibility to remove yourself from the waitlist. Any bookings from the waitlist will be subject to our Late Cancellation Policy.

How do I suspend my membership?

We completely understand that at times you may wish to suspend your membership if you are going on a holiday or are having surgery. If you wish to suspend your membership, 14 days notice prior to your next auto payment must be provided in writing to

How do I cancel my membership?

We will be sad to see you go but if you do wish to cancel your membership 14 days notice prior to your next auto payment must be provided in writing to


We are taking all regulations surrounding COVID-19 seriously. The studio is cleaned frequently with medical grade disinfectant. Our reformers and matwork room are set out to comply with any COVID-19 social distancing requirements. Please wash your hands before and after classes and use santiser provided. Grip socks are to be worn on reformers at all times and reformers are to be cleaned with disinfectant wipes provided at the end of each session. Please do not attend any classes if you are sick or presenting any symptoms of COVID-19. For more information please see the latest advice from the Health Department.